Journal Basic Info

  • Impact Factor: 2.709**
  • H-Index: 11 
  • ISSN: 2474-1663
  • DOI: 10.25107/2474-1663
**Impact Factor calculated based on Google Scholar Citations. Please contact us for any more details.

Major Scope

  •  Stomach Cancer
  •  Leukemia
  •  Immunotherapy
  •  Sarcomas
  •  Gynecological Cancers
  •  Prostate Cancer
  •  Radiological Techniques and Scans
  •  Kidney Cancer


Citation: Clin Oncol. 2022;7(1):1963.DOI: 10.25107/2474-1663.1963

Use of Music Therapy in Pediatric Oncology: An Italian AIEOP Multicentric Survey Study in the Era of COVID-19

Giordano F, Muggeo P, Rutigliano C, Barzaghi F, Battisti L, Coccia P, Colombini A, D’Amico MR, De Santis R, Mascarin M, Mura R, Onofrillo D, Perruccio K, Rinieri S, Trevisan F, Zama D, Ziino O, De Lucia M, Santoro N and Cesaro S

Department of Emergency and Organ Transplants, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Department of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology, University Hospital of Policlinico, Italy
Pediatric Immunohematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit, IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital, Italy
Division of Pediatric Hematology Oncology, Pediatric Central Hospital of Bolzano, Italy
Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Unit, Hospital Salesi, Italy
Department of Pediatrics, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Unit, AORN Santobono-Pausilipon, Italy
Department of Pediatrics, 'Casa Sollievo Della Sofferenza' Hospital, Italy
Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology and Pediatric Radiotherapy Unit, CRO-Centro Di Riferimento Oncologico Di Aviano, Italy
Pediatric Oncology Unit, Azienda Ospedaliera Brotzu, Italy
Department of Hematology-Oncology, Santo Spirito Hospital, Italy
Pediatric Hematology Oncology Unit, Ospedale Santa Maria della Misericordia, Italy
Pediatric Onco-Hematology Unit, Sant’Anna University Hospital, Italy
Pediatric Onco-Hematology Unit, AOU Meyer Firenze, Italy
Department of Pediatrics, University of Bologna, Italy
Department of Pediatric Hemato-Oncology, ARNAS Ospedali Civico, Italy
Department of Biology, University Federico II of Naples, Italy
Department of Mother and Child, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata Verona, Italy

*Correspondance to: Filippo Giordano 

 PDF  Full Text Research Article | Open Access


Background: Music Therapy (MT) is a complementary therapy offered to children, young adults and their families in pediatric oncology and palliative care. We performed a survey to collect information about MT in pediatric oncology in Italy. The outbreak of COVID-19 unavoidably changed the scenario of MT, suggesting some considerations presented in this survey.
Methods: 27/32 (84.4%) centers belonging to the Italian Association of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology (AEIOP) completed in 2 different time points (T1 and T2) an online survey on MT, before and after COVID-19 pandemic.
Results: Different kinds of music approach were used taking care of patients in 21/27 centers, while in 14/21 (66%) a specific project of MT conducted by a music therapist was present. In 6/14 centers MT activities were delivered for <3 h/week, in 3 centers for >3 and <10 h/week, in the remaining 5 for >3 h/week. MT sessions were in different areas, day hospital or ward (patient rooms,
operating rooms, waiting rooms), on an individual basis or by groups. Patients were invited to MT by psychologists, caring physician or nurse, or on equip decision. MT was evaluated with tools selfmade by Music therapist in 11/14 centers. After COVID-19 MT has been withdrawal in 3 centers, sessions in the waiting rooms were reduced, individual sessions were preferred and enrollment by multidisciplinary teams increased.
Conclusion: This survey represents the starting platform to compare and discuss different experience of MT in AIEOP centers, to implement MT in pediatric oncology for a more qualified assistance to patients and to improve quality of care.


Music therapy; Children; Adolescents; Cancer; Complementary therapy

Cite the Article:

Giordano F, Muggeo P, Rutigliano C, Barzaghi F, Battisti L, Coccia P, et al. Use of Music Therapy in Pediatric Oncology: An Italian AIEOP Multicentric Survey Study in the Era of COVID-19. Clin Oncol. 2022;7:1963..

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